Tyndall National Institute - Photonics Centre
The Tyndall National Institute is Ireland’s largest research institute and is associated with University College Cork (UCC). The institute performs research in the fields of photonics, nanotechnology and microsystems, supported by advanced theory modelling and semiconductor fabrication facilities. In photonics, Tyndall has expertise extending from design, materials growth (GaN, GaAs and InP), device processing, packaging and integration, through to systems test.
Approximately 100 people are involved and support photonic research activities at Tyndall. A key feature of Tyndall’s research strategy is its close collaboration with industry, both multinational companies (MNC) and small to medium enterprises (SMEs). Tyndall also has success in spinning-out photonic start-up companies including; Firecomms (visible lasers and LEDs for short reach data-communications), SensL (single photon detector systems for medical imaging) and InfiniLEDs (highly collimated microLEDs for illuminations applications). Tyndall has a history of developing solutions for next generation photonic based communication systems, and this expertise has been extended to the biomedical sector and the institute now collaborates with a number of leading medical devices companies. Tyndall will bring to the ACTPHAST consortium its ability to support the development of advanced prototypes, specifically packaged photonic subsystems.
These critical packaging skills compliment the other areas of expertise in the ACTPHAST consortium, enabling European industry to realise advanced prototypes which can be evaluated, tested in the field and presented to potential customers.
A unique feature of Tyndall’s photonics research capabilities are its strengths from design through to system prototyping. Of particular importance is the recently established photonic packaging group with extensive laboratories and equipment, providing fully packaged photonic sub-systems to both academic and industry collaborators. The packaging capability complements device design, fabrication and an extensive systems test capability.