
Company details

Company name mBryonics
Company type Micro Enterprise (less than 10 employees and revenues less than 2 MEUR)
Industry sector Photonics General
Activity description

are a small team of Scientists, Engineers and Designers based in Galway city, on the west coast of Ireland, that specialise in photonics, which is the combination of light sources (e.g. LEDs, lasers), optical design, lens systems, electrical engineering,

Company website http://www.mbryonics.com/

Project information

Project Phase Contract Phase
Technology platform TP-6: InP-based Photonic Integrated Circuits (PICs) or Chips
Application domain Information & Communication
Project scope

PIC design and packaging for free space optical communication

ACTPHAST Partners HHI, TU/e, Tyndall-UCC
Project leader Prof. Dr. Kevin Williams (TU/e)
Project start July 2017
Project duration 9 months