FBGS Technologies
Company details
Company name
FBGS Technologies GmbH
Company type
Small Enterprise (less than 50 employees and revenues less than 10 MEUR)
Industry sector
Photonics General
Activity description
FBGS is a Belgium / Germany based developer and manufacturer of high strength Fiber Bragg Gratings (FBG) using draw tower technology, where the grating array is written during the drawing process of the fiber.
Company website
Project information
Project Phase
Contract Phase
Technology platform
TP-2: Glass and Polymer Speciality Fibers & Fiber Devices
Application domain
Industry 4.0
Project scope
The development of innovative multi-pulse written Draw Tower Gratings (DTGs with enhanced reflectivity)
Project leader
Manfred Rothhardt (IPHT)
Project start
October 2017
Project duration
7 months